
15 Pro Tricks For Removing Fluff In Marketing And Sales Copy

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One of the most important parts of writing solid, effective copy is the self-editing process. Refining a good piece of writing by eliminating fluff can elevate it, turning it into a great piece of content that not only achieves its original intention but can also be repurposed across many types of media for digital marketing, sales and other purposes.

Seasoned pros in the agency world often develop favorite tricks for removing fluff to tighten, shape and massage marketing and sales copy down to only the most essential, compelling and actionable language. Here, 15 members of Forbes Agency Council each share their own top tip for ensuring they create the highest quality, most effective written copy possible with the least amount of fluff.

1. Keep It Short And Simple

While there are exceptions, the most compelling copy is easy to read. That means avoiding run-on sentences, using accessible language and making paragraphs dynamic. Short sentences create impact. Long, descriptive sentences act as an anchor to propel readers through the narrative. The ultimate test is simply to read it aloud and ask yourself, “How easy was that to do?” - Chris Martin, FlexMR

2. Ask Someone Outside Of Your Industry To Read It

To remove fluff and jargon, ask someone from outside your industry to read your copy. If they cannot understand it, use their feedback either to make it more clear or to question whether or not you need to use certain industry terms. Start with, ”What do we offer?” and, “What do we want you to do?”—anything beyond answering those might just be fluff. - A. Lee Judge, Content Monsta

3. Write What You Want The Audience To Pass Along To Others

Ask yourself what you want your customer/audience to tell the next person. “Gee, I just saw this notice about....” That forces the conversation out of the descriptive and sales mode and into enlistment. A related version is to make it a story that the listener/viewer/reader can pass along. What we call “highly targeted” stories—that is, very specific—are more likely to get passed on. - Merrie Spaeth, Spaeth Communications

4. Combine Expertise With AI Copy Tools

I have been using a combination of my team’s expertise and artificial intelligence via Jasper.ai or Copy.ai. If I have writer’s block and am struggling to come up with something, I use these types of AI software to help spark ideas or just simply rewrite my fluff. - Denny Smolinski, beBOLD Digital

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5. Write Only What Solves The Reader’s Problem

I think of the movie Apollo 13 and how the astronauts had to make things out of very raw materials to survive. Picture your reader on the Apollo 13 spacecraft. What do they need to survive and thrive? Give them only that. Sometimes, you have to bring clarity to their problem in order to solve it. Do that in a clear and simple way, and solve it the same way. - Brandon Murphy, Dendro

6. Use Active Versus Passive Voice

Write “schedule an appointment” versus “an appointment can be scheduled.” Work your nouns and verbs as opposed to adjectives and adverbs. Match the length of copy to the level of risk. Write shorter copy for low-commitment purchases, and longer, more informative copy for substantial purchases. - Phillip Davis, Tungsten Branding

7. Treat The Customer As The Hero Of The Copy

Reduce your role to that of the guide who helps the customer get the results they want. Get rid of anything that sounds desperate or “salesy.” Be succinct, and don’t be afraid to poke fun at yourself. Now, read your copy out loud and ask yourself if you would be comfortable doing so in public. If you would, you have a winner. - Jayant Chaudhary, JLB USA

8. Focus On The Benefits

It’s never about the product; it’s about how that product will enhance someone’s life. After you’ve written the copy, reread the copy and ask, “So what?” and “Why would someone care?” Answering these questions will help you focus on benefits and catch consumers’ attention. - Heather Osgood, True Native Media

9. Always Come Back To Your Single-Minded Thought

Always ask, “What’s our single-minded thought?” We call it our global positioning system because it’s the North Star of every project brief. If any word doesn’t ladder back up to the GPS—the one thing we’re trying to convince our target audience to do or believe—then it’s just noise. Referencing the GPS helps keep editing objective and copy on-strategy. - Becca Apfelstadt, treetree

10. Write Your First Draft As If You’re A Caveman

As ridiculous as it sounds, this exercise forces you to cut superfluous text and substantially simplify your message. It’ll also help you think through writing in a different way, which leads to stronger, more creative writing overall. It’s a win-win for you and your client. - Cagan Sean Yuksel, Dream Space

11. Use Verbiage That Is Familiar To Your Audience

My go-to trick is to keep my audience top of mind and use verbiage that is familiar and approachable to them. Industry jargon can get repetitive and overcomplicate your messaging. By putting yourself in your audience’s shoes, you’ll have a better understanding of what they would really want to know and how to address it in a clear, concise and solution-oriented manner. - Chris Toy, MarketerHire

12. Get All The Words Down On Paper, Then Make Cuts

Get all the words down on paper—no matter how far over your desired word count you might be. From there, cut out excess words. Then, do it again. To identify where to trim from, read what you have written aloud. This will help ensure you leave the most actionable content for your reader to enjoy. - Donna Robinson, Collective Measures

13. Start By Writing In Bullet Point Format

My favorite trick to remove fluff is to begin by writing in bullet point format, often aiming for an eighth-grade reading level. Marketers like to provide a lot of context and background information, which can make sentences long and less punchy. Writing in short bullets can help identify the most salient points, and then it’s easy to expand from there as needed. - Antonella Pisani, Eyeful Media

14. Try Having Kids Read Your Copy And Cutting Adverbs

Have kids? Have them read your copy. They’re really good jargon meters. If you don’t, check to see if your copy is filled with adverbs. Make writing clearer and more vivid by selecting active verbs to enhance your writing. Those adverbs may sound nice, but they are the trait of lazy, cluttered writing. - Nate Reusser, Reusser Design

15. Read It Out Loud

Read it out loud as if you are having a conversation with someone. If it doesn’t sound natural, clear and compelling, then you’ve got more editing ahead of you. - Katy Thorbahn, Shiny